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 2022-07-26 14:56:33  





关键词:II晶型纳米纤维素 、酸处理、转化效果


Cellulose is the most widely distributed and abundant polysaccharide in nature. It is neither soluble in water nor soluble in common organic matter at room temperature, and is widely used in the fields of food, chemical industry and papermaking. Nanofibers can be prepared from cellulose using chemical and mechanical treatments. Nanocellulose has a diameter of less than 100 nm. Nano-cellulose has high crystallinity, high hydrophilicity, good mechanical properties and other superior performance, with good prospects for development. Among the different crystalline forms of nanocellulose, the II crystalline nanocellulose has the best performance. First of all, with benzene alcohol mixture of wood flour was extracted to remove some impurities. Followed by acid treatment with glacial acetic acid and sodium hypochlorite to remove the lignin in the wood flour; alkali treatment with sodium hydroxide to achieve the conversion of the cellulose form from cellulose I to II. Finally by ultrafine grinding machine or ultrasonic way to get nanoscale cellulose type II nanocellulose. This topic mainly studies the influence of acid treatment on the change of the crystalline structure of cellulose. By controlling the time point of the transformation of the crystalline form, the transformation efficiency of the crystalline cellulose is tested by X-ray diffractometer.

Key words: Form II nanocellulose, acid treatment, transformation effect


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