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 2022-07-24 10:01:06  



摘 要:中国传统文化源远流长,中国古代劳动人民在社会生产实践中总结了丰富的设计实践经验,也形成许多真知灼见和文章著作。中晚明的文人已经将家具视为一种可以体现自身品味和价值的清玩之物。[1]明代文人设计类的著作十分广泛,文人笔记中也包含许多家具设计方面的内容。晚明文人文震亨所做的《长物志》和李渔的《闲情偶寄》就是中国古代众多的设计文献的缩影。《长物志》以宽广的视角分析论述了中国古代生活的方方面面,内容宽广而宏大,它不仅包含了我国古代家具形制样式的重要信息,而且也蕴含了丰富的家具设计理念。《闲情偶寄》是李渔一生艺术和生活经验的总结,包含着丰富而独特的休闲智慧和生活美学思想。古代古著中的很多家具在现在的生活中已经十分罕见或者消失不见了,古籍的文字描述和插画可以帮助我们完整的还原古代的家具形制和古代文人的生活场景。本文以《闲情偶寄》中的《器玩部》和《长物志》的《卷六-几榻》为研究中心,分析这两部著作中提及家具的形制,分析这两部著作所提倡的家具设计理念,给如今的家具设计者提供借鉴。


Study on the Furniture Form and Its Design Concept in Ancient Books- A Case Study of Superfluities and Sketches of Idle Pleasure


(College of Furnishings and Industrial Design,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China)

Abstract:With a long history of traditional Chinese culture, the ancient working people in China concluded rich experience in design and practice in the social production practice and formed many valuable insights and articles. Scholars in the late Ming dynasty have regarded furniture as a kind of plaything that reflects their own taste and value. The Ming Scholars created a wide range of works, and some information relevant to furniture design is included in the literary notes. Superfluities by Wen Zhenheng in the late Ming Dynasty and Sketches of Idle Pleasure by Li Yu are the epitome of many ancient Chinese design documents. Superfluities analyze and expound various aspects of ancient Chinese life from a broad perspective. With the broad and grand content, it not only contains the important information of ancient Chinese furniture style, but also the abundant furniture design concepts. Sketches of Idle Pleasure are a summary of Li Yu#39;s life-long art and life experience, which contains rich and unique leisure wisdom and life aesthetics. A number of ancient furniture in the ancient books has been very rare or disappeared, and the word descriptions in ancient books and illustrations can help us restore the ancient furniture form and the life scene of ancient scholars completely. Focusing on the Qi Wan Bu of Superfluities and Juan Liu Ji Ta of Sketches of Idle Pleasure, this paper will analyze the furniture form mentioned in the two works, and the furniture design concepts advocated by the two books, and finally provide some reference for the current furniture designers.

Key words:Superfluities, Sketches of Idle Pleasure, ancient furniture, design concept

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