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 2021-09-27 20:33:45  


Literature review This explanatory theory was proposed by a well-known French interpreter and translation theorist Danica Seleskovitch and her students on the basis of a large number of translation practice. There is one model called Gills Effort Models, psychology and cognition were reference for his theory. He found the relation between input language and output language. Besides, Levelt proposed a powerful model of speech production in 1989. Levelt`s speech production model consisted the following components: knowledge component, conceptualized, a formulator, an articulacy and a speech-comprehension system. What was the most close to oral output production was the conceptualization, the formulator and the articulator. In the conceptualization, the speaker chosen the declamatory knowledge related to the intentions and orders the information for pre-verbal message. In the formulator, the speaker selected an acceptable language forms from the mental lexicon to convert pre-verbal messages into phonological plans. Then the actual speech was realized in the articulator. Edward (1977) investigated language proficiency effect on language attrition among 455 English-French bilinguals of the Canadian Pubic Service (209 native English speakers and 246 native French speakers). As early as 1932, Kennedy proposed that high levels of proficiency make language skills less vulnerable to attrition. However, he also indicated that proficiency only lengthens the L2 retention in the first few years; thereafter, attrition is still unavoidable(Zhao Dan). As a thesis which called The Influence of Task Type and Language Proficiency on Oral Accuracy and Complexity said, language proficiency had an significant effect on oral accuracy but, to oral complexity, there was no significant effect. According to Hayes and Flower (1980), planning is an anticipatory process involved in any type of human goal-oriented endeavor, while Jones and Tetroe (1987) held that planning is a critical high-level composing activity. Crookes (1989) defined planning as a manipulable condition of task-based performance. Skehan (1996) regarded planning as an externally manipulable task condition that lessens communicative stress and enables learners to free up attentional resources and redirect them toward to a focus on form. Keeping balance with the time when planning takes place, Ellis (2005) identified two principal types of task planning, that was, pre-task planning(i.e. the planning that is done before learners perform a task) and within-task planning(i.e. the planning that occurs on-line while learners are actually performing a task).Pre-task planning can be further divided into rehearsal and strategic planning.Strategic planning referred to students preparation of what content to express and what language to use but without opportunity to rehearse the complete task. Rehearsal referred to the fact that students were given a chance to perform the task before the formal performance of the task. It is easy to find some unrelated thesis, like an article called The Influence of Task Type and Language Proficiency on oral Accuracy and Complexity , and there is another thesis called The Influence of Planning Time and Language Proficiency on Chinese EFL Learners Accuracy of Writing. Ellis found the effect of planning on verb accuracy of oral production. Crookes found there was no significant effect of planning time on oralproduction accuracy. Wang MIn studied the effect of proficiency on the second language structure. Hambrick and Engle (2002) reported that studies examining the roles of both WM and domain knowledge in (L1) comprehension have found consistent, strong effects for domain knowledge; however, WM has yielded inconsistent findings. However, it is very difficult to find study about the interplay of language proficiency and planning time on oral production.

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