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 2021-09-27 20:32:20  


Literature Review To tackle the subject, we need to understand the word culture. In the west, the earliest definition of culture is given by the famous anthropologist Edward Burnett Tyler (1832-1917) from England. He said that culture or civilization, from far-ranging national significance, means a complex whole which religion, art, morality and acquired ability and custom for any single person as a social member. In the past few centuries, novels play an important role in the world cultural communication, so many experts and translators have elaborated on the research of novel translation. From the 1950s to the 1970s, translation was conceived as the transfer between two languages. In the past few decades, due to its unique complexity and extensive application, more and more attention and efforts have been devoted to the research of this subject. Thereafter, many translation theorists began to study translation problems from different cultural perspectives, such as Bassnett and Lefevere. They go beyond language and focus on the interaction between translation and culture, on the way in which culture impacts and constrains translation and on the larger issues of context, history and convention, etc. (Munday,2001:127) . The other translation theorists, such as Lambert and Robyns, they also think that translation is the communication between different cultures, than a transfer between two languages. Therefore, the language translation in the novels has new research. Everyone has his own points of view on translation. The distinguished linguist Eugene A. Nida (1969) pointed out in his masterpiece the Theory and Practice of Translation: Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style. This is only a general principle of translation, but there are still detailed methods with respect to novels translation. An influential representative of equivalence theory is Dr. Eugene Nida. His concept of dynamic equivalence or functional equivalence in translation is the representative of equivalence theory. He states A translation of dynamic equivalence aims at complete naturalness of expression and tries to relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture (Nida, 1963:165). Zhu Henhua(2005)remarked that language is a kind of social phenomenon, and a kind of symbol of culture. Many researchers have devoted themselves to the study of the cultural discrepancies and their influences on translation. Nida (2001) pointed out that in translation, a different culture may result in conflicts everywhere in the form of concept, language, and behavior. Whether one could translate well depends mainly on whether one could understand the two cultures. In the present paper, I will talk about equivalence theory and translation of English novels. By doing the research, we may find out that culture plays a very important role in turning out quality novels translation. Novel can be defined as a culture, appreciating or expressing the action or speech knowledge. Novel is not only a linguistic concept, but also takes on specific cultural features. This dual nature determines the hardship and complexity of novel translation. The all resources are helpful in my thesis. In writing the thesis, I will try my best to collect more material in the related subject and make full use of them.

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