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 2021-09-27 20:31:53  



Articlesin English system includes the definite article the, indefinite articlea(n),and the zero(ornull)article / .Grammatically,they are function words meaning to link or to joint and have littlelexical content. In the acquisition of English, however, Article is one of themost difficult structural elements for EFL learner; even the most advancednon-native speakers of English are included. When it comes to EFL , an obviousissue is learners may be effected by their mother tongue, in which it lacksarticles, so do Chinese English learners.

1.1 Need for the study

It has been a long time since articles were systematicallystudied by scholars in the field of linguistics. However, the use of Englisharticles by Chinese EFL learners has been studied in depth. Therefore, thesestudies cannot give a comprehensive understanding of Chinese EFL learnerscommand of the English article system. Furthermore,as for the studiesconducted by Chinese scholars, they are mainly focused upon the interpretationor explanation of the functions and usage of English articles.Few of them have givenanalysis or explanation detailed. Recently,some Chinese scholars have showngreat interest in the acquisition of English articles.Li and Cai(2001)studiedChinese EFL learners article use by adopting a corpus-based approach.Zhu(2002)combined thetheory of Parameter setting in the framework of universal grammar with theacquisition of English article system.Yan(2003)and Zhu(2003)carried out aresearch on Chinese EFL learners acquisition of English articles.In 2006,Cai and Wu also adopted acorpusbased approach to study the use of English articles by ChinesenonEnglish majors.All these are illuminating though still limited in number and scale ofthe empirical researches.

1.2 Research purpose

According to the researches done byother scholars and some literature available, the study focuses on theinvestigation of the errors that certain Chinese EFL learners make and theirproblems in commanding the English article system.The aim is to get a betterunderstanding of the problems Chinese students have in their acquisitions ofthe English article system,and then to give some suggestions with the hope that this study canfacilitate Chinese EFL learners acquisition of English articles.

2. Literature review

Inthis chapter, basic notions of the English article system and detailed accountof the theoretical framework of this study are going to be reviewed.Others empirical studieson the second language acquisition(SLA)of English articles will be evaluated.The purpose of thischapter is to provide background for this study, and thus for a betterunderstanding of it.

2.1 Theoreticalfoundations

2.1.1 Defining the Key Terms

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