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 2021-09-27 20:31:36  


On the Translation Strategies and Skills Concerning Chinese Food Culture与中国饮食文化相关的翻译策略和技巧研究1. Introduction: Translation is a kind of behavior to exchange information with each other. For more than thirty years findings in linguistics, pragmatics, cognitive linguistics, comparative literature, cultural studies, etc. have been applied to the study of translation, and striking resuts have been reported. We have drawn out many measures for reference in order to translate better. However, with regards to Chinese food culture, many foreigners still dont have many ideas about it. And some translation studies are limited due to translational problems, especially in food translation. So, in this thesis, I will introduce some strategies and skills concerning the translation of Chinese food culture.Food culture is a beauty which generates from peoples pursuit of food. Now, it is more than a pursuit of food, and people want to get joy from it. Chinese food culture has a long history, which is well known for its color, aroma and taste. It is an art. Different kinds of food and etiquettes mix together resulting in abundant Chinese food culture. It can be regarded as a traditional culture. Many features in traditional culture were reflected in food culture, such as theory that man is an integral part of nature (天人合一);yin-yang and five elements (阴阳五行). Meanwhile, the name of Chinese food can be divided into various kinds. Some are named according to raw materials such as Chicken in Lotus Leaf (荷叶鸡) , some named from place such as Beijing Roast Duck (北京烤鸭) ,some named according to taste such as Spiced Duck with Toufu (五香鸭子), some resulted from number such as Eight Treasure Rice (八宝饭) , some generated from poetry such as Sauteed Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork (蚂蚁上树) etc. Our country has different tastes in different regions, as is well known to all, sweet in the south, salty in the north, spicy in the east, and sour in the west. Due to it, we have eight different kinds of cuisines. They are Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Hunan cuisine and Anhui cuisine. What is well known to us is that there are three kinds of food culture in the world. One is western food culture represented by French, one is Islamic food culture represented by Turkey, and the other is Chinese food culture represented by China. Both Chinese people and foreigners are fond of eating. Foreigners pay much attention to environment and service. They tend to romance and elegance. They may figure out how many calories they should take or how much nutrition they should absorb in. However, not only do Chinese people have a tendency to enjoy from the food but also they will learn from the food. They may call several friends to sit together to enjoy the pleasure. Also, they focus on nutrition, which can make sure that they will work hard all day. Nowadays, with the development of globalization and communication with other countries, more and more foreigners have interests in Chinese food. As a result, the task of translation about Chinese food culture is undoubtedly playing a more and more important role in the global communication. So, it is significant to translate Chinese food. The aim of translation is to introduce ones culture. In order to preserve the culture completely, we should take different measures to translate Chinese food culture to foreigners. Then, our country will be more and more attractive to foreigners, which can motivate the communication with other countries. Besides, we can benefit from it.2. Literature ReviewFood culture is one of the important parts in human culture. It is a result of research on food and cooking. It can involve in different aspects including food production、choosing material and food consuming etc. From the past, people already have done research on Chinese food culture. Meanwhile, some people begin to translate Chinese food into different languages. 2.1 Problems in precious studyHowever, both at home and abroad, it doesnt have a wide study on Chinese food culture. In part of culture, most of them tend to have a historic point from one dynasty to next dynasty. If translated, they will also according to time. Whats more, there are some problems in todays food translation. It is not difficult to find that some translation is too direct to reflect Chinese culture. They may leave a bad impression on foreigners instead. For example, 麻婆豆腐 may be translated as Bean curd made by a pock-marked woman (一个满脸麻子的婆婆做的豆腐) ;夫妻肺片 may be translated as a couples lung slice (一对夫妻的肺被做成切片).If translated in this way, I believe none will have an appetite on delicious Chinese food. In addition, some dishes can be translated into many types. There is no standard form such as 汤圆may be translated as puddings, rice dumplings or white balls.Besides, some Chinese words and some English words cant correspond to each other completely, so the name of food cant be interpreted well. They may be ambiguous to foreigners such as 四喜丸子 may be translated into four happy meatballs (四个开心的丸子) ; 驴打滚may be translated into a rolling donkey (一只打滚的驴). All these kinds of translation may puzzle foreigners. They dont know why balls should be happy, meat balls meat is what and why the donkey is rolling. Whether it have some pains or not. At the same time, they may think that this dish is made of donkey. Actually, it is a sweet dish mostly made of glutinous rice powder. Apart from these problems, there also exist other problems. I think only do we avoid these problems can we popularize our culture better.2.2 Related empirical studies on Chinese food translationAnthropology professor Jack Goody focused on the theme on the globalization of Chinese food in the book Food and Love: A Culture History of East and West. He believed that the globalization of Chinese food is the globalization of world culture. The production of Chinese food adds a multi-cultural element to the process of globalization. So, it is of significance to introduce Chinese food to the whole world.J.A.G Roberts wrote a book called China to Chinatown: Chinese food in the west ( YangDongping Trans.), which was divided into two parts. One is foreigners attitudes to Chinese food, and the other is the trend of Chinese food globalization and adaptation. Nowadays, there are many Chinese restaurants among the world. But, how is the Chinese food adopted by the whole world? At first, many countries dislike Chinese food and even hate it. In the book, the author pointed out that the way is similar to west to east, which is a long process from rejection to popularization.In terms of translation, it is a kind of language behavior to interpret one language to another language, which can make different people communicate with each other much more easier. it may refer to many different aspects, for example: cultural differences, different contexts, understanding to different languages, familiarity to different languages etc.The distinguished linguist Eugene A. Nida (1969) pointed out in his masterpiece the Theory and Practice of Translation: Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style. This is only a general principle of translation, but there are still detailed methods with respect to the translation of Chinese food culture.Fang Mengzhi and Mao Zhongming (2005) came out with three usual ways to deal with the cultural factors in the English translation of Chinese food in A Course on Pragmatic Translation, that is, literal translation, free translation and formula translation.The triple translation criteria, namely faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance was put forward by YanFu. He was the most influential translator and translation theorist in this period. It is the same principle in food translation. Not only do we need to make foreigners understand the basic meaning but also we should obey to some important principles. Of course, if we can add some poetry to it, it will be better.3. SignificanceThe purpose of Chinese food culture translation is to introduce to foreigners about Chinese food. Accordingly, we can popularize our cultureIf we want to translate Chinese food into English correctly, not only do we need to leave a good impression on people based on food names but also we should pay attention to the raw materials and the way how it is cooked. We can combine innovation with practice so as to make the translation have Chinese characteristics. As a result, Chinese food culture can be handed down both home and abroad.ReferenceCatford, J. C, (1965). A Linguistic Theory of Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Jack Goody. (1999). Food and Love: A Culture History of East and West, London: Verso, 17/5.Luan Xiaohong, (2001). 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