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英语交际策略中性别差异之社会语用研究 A Socio-pragmatic Analysis of Gender Differences in the English Communicative Strategies文献综述

 2021-09-27 00:12:06  


As we all know, modern linguistics, whose establishment is based on Swiss linguist Saussure, in a quite long time, mainly used idolized man as the research object and ignores the connection between society and human being. However, following the development of sociolinguistics, the interrelation of gender difference and language became the important study object of many sociolinguists. Through the investigations of the utterance in social communication, sociolinguists found that man and woman are different in topic choice and discourse strategy.

In the latter part of the twentieth century, binary opposition of gender(man and woman are diametrically opposed) played a dominant role which reflected in deficit, dominance, difference and politeness. R.Lakoff, who is the important representative personage of deficit, published a influential work in the seventies named Language and Womans place, which came up with that man and woman communicate with others by diverse ways reflect the their different social division of labour, where is the inequality of the social status, there is the unfairness of language. D.Zimmeran, C.West, and P.fishman, who hold the dominance, think that women at a disadvantage in society, that is why they are one-directed in verbal communication. The most typical example is that when women are talking with isomerism, they are often interrupted. These scholars who support dominance are more persuasive, because they placed emphasis on dynamic phenomenon including linguistic and non-linguistic phenomenon, and their investigates are finished in a meticulous and deepgoing way. The mainly viewpoint of difference is that man and woman are grew up with different cultural background and socialization process, they show the diversity on their communicative strategies. American sociolinguist Tannen said that during the communication, men have intense status-conscious and prefer to be the more powerful one. On the contrary, women are euphemistic that they tend to agree with others, and less raise an objection. Difference is endorsed by most female scholars who are studying the connection between language and gender, because it emphasizes that the reason why womens language style is different from men is the discrepancy of cultural background, rather than deficit. NewZealand scholar Holmes who agree with politeness analyzed the gender difference, she put forward that women adopt the more positive politeness strategy when they are communicating with others than men. For instance, in public, women are avoid to arguing with others and strive to quest the accordance.

Since the inception of the new century, a growing number of sociolinguists agree constructionism instead of traditional binary opposition of gender. They view gender as a collection of a series of behavioral fators, not think of the behavior itself as the consequence of sex. Cameron, the representative personage of constructionism, notes that gender characteristics is made up with the practice activities of human beings.

Nowadays, the study of gender difference in communicative strategy is moving inthe diversification and dynamic. However, we should still notice that the study in this field is extremely complex, it involves society, cultural, nation, psychology and physiology etc.Therefore, we should consider these aspects as much as possible. This is also my paper should do.

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