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论《天路历程》中的心灵拯救 Pilgrims Progress,Process of Salvation文献综述

 2021-09-27 00:08:28  


1. Introduction Arising from different living environment, lifestyles, historical traditions, national beliefs and aesthetic thinking, distinguished national characteristics in the culture have been shaped. Thus, there is no doubt that different nations has its special and typical culture. However, people behave similarly in thoughts, emotions, actions and many other aspects, which is a reflection that similar culture exists in different nations. As the most important part of culture, literature works obviously share many similarities in a lot of aspects as well, including the religious elements. Throughout the history of world literature, all works no matter Chinese or western literature reflect the social conditions and religious connotation of that period. As one of the most representative works of religious realism in the histories of English and Chinese religious literature, both The Pilgrims Progress and Journey to the West share many similarities in narrative mode, themes,subject matters, and the idea of redemption and atonement.This paper is mainly about the religious elements of The Pilgrims Progress: the process of salvation,.with Journey to the West as a comparation, and analyze the influence of Salvation exercised on the society and cross-cultural communication. The comparative study method is mainly stressed. According to Qian Zhongshu (2004), it is not only possible, but also valuable to conduct a parallel study between Chinese and western literature works beyond the scope of the effective connection. Meanwhile, based on different cultural backgrounds, the conclusion draw from the comparative thought is meaningful generally. 2. Literature review2.1 Previous studies onPilgrims ProgressJohn Bunyans The Pilgrims Progress is reckoned as one of the most famous popular and the most ingenious work in the western christian countries while Journey to the West written by Wu Chengen enjoys the reputation of the most famous work associated with historical backgrounds and full of religious elements. The Pilgrims Progress was finished in 17th century in England while Wu Chengen wrote Journey to the West in the Ming Dynasty, about the mid of 16th century. Although there exists many differences in long distance and time scope, the two literature works are like the mirror of that time when the society messed up with turbulent situations and ideological violent changes. According to Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1979:29), in terms of types of art, the way of composing and manifestation mode of different nations are always mixed up, which results in the situation that you can find a typical thought of one nation maybe exist in another nation several years ago.When taking all analysis mentioned above into consideration, the comparative literature study is the most suitable way of analysis to compare the religious elements of the two works. However, nowadays more emphasis has been put on the similarities between the two novels, especially the religious writing method. In turn, some details of the process of the salvation has been neglected. Because of this, this essay will play more stress on the approach to salvation, the way of defeating devils, and other relevant details. It is the detail that gives the fullest expression to the differences between the two novels, and then this study will show its significance.2.2The Two Authors Experiences John Bunyan was born into a tinker's family in 1628. He was sent to school for a short time, but he was soon busy in his father's shop, "where amid the glowing pots and the fire and smoke of his little forge, he saw the vivid pictures of hell and the devils which haunted him all his life" (Wu, 1988:150). After years of such spiritual conflicts, he finally became a steadfast nonconformist preacher. His influential preaching astonished and enraged the authorities and then upon his refusal to leave off preaching, the justice committed him to Bedford jail, where he lay for nearly thirteen years. And it was here, in this den, he wrote the wonderful The Pilgrim's Progress. In this allegory, Christian and his company progress on a spiritual pilgrimage according to the instructions in the Bible. Despite their occasional diversions, they always hold to the Divine truth. Therefore all of them get an access to the world of eternal blessing, honor, glory and power. On the other hand, Wu Cheng'en was born in Lianshui, Jiangsu Province, and later moved to nearby Huaian. He took the imperial examinations several times in attempt to become a mandarin, or imperial official, but failed, and did not gain entry into the imperial university in Nanjing until middle age. Finally, he became an accomplished writer, producing both poetry and prose. Wu wrote Journey to the West to convey his dissatisfaction with the political climate of the time and with the corruption of the world, and he spent much of his life as a hermit. Comparing the two authors experiences, we can find some similarities between them, such as the turbulent situation, tough life and high morale. Because of this, they show similar affections in this two literature works.References: Frye, N. 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