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论霍桑《红字》中的象征主义 On Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter文献综述

 2021-09-27 00:07:28  


2. Literature review2.1 Previous studies on The Scarlet LetterOver the years a good number of biographical and critical studies have been written, and almost all aspects of Hawthornes life and work have been treated with meticulous care. He is also becoming more and more popular with Chinese readers. Since Shi Hengs Chinese translation of The Scarlet Letter appeared in the 1950s, scholars and readers in this country have shown an ever-increasing interest in his works, which offers another testimony of Hawthornes power and permanence. His brilliant writing ability displayed in his novels shows rich imagination and excellent language expression and it produces far-reaching influence on the literature of America and the world. Since then, a lot of domestic and foreign scholars began to do literary study from various perspectives. In the past, studies are mainly focused on the symbolism of the letter A and the main characters, which can be divided into the following aspects:The research on the symbolic meanings of the scarlet letter A.There are many studies about the scarlet letter A, an example cited here is Fan Linlins paper The Symbolic Diversity of Letter A in The Scarlet Letter(2013). In her paper, she points out the letter As implied meaning changes as the theme develops; first it appears as the symbol of guilt of adultery. It then changes into a symbol of alone and alienation, and later it becomes a symbol of able, angel and advance. She even thought the letter A stands for America and American dream. Her points in this paper can cover all the points on the letter A of the previous studies. The Scarlet Letter begins with A and ends with A; the various meanings of A serve for the ambiguity of the theme of The Scarlet Letter. Her paper really makes a comprehensive and accurate explanation about the meaning of letter A. The research on the symbolic meanings of the four main characters names. Based on the background of religion and ethics, many a work of Hawthorne explore the theme of humans good and evil via symbolism, ambiguity and psychoanalysis of the characters. Hawthorne names each of the protagonists a special word during the creation of the novel, so as to reflect the characteristic and destiny of the protagonists. Li Shiqiang (2008) and Zhang Dapeng (2008)study the symbolic meanings of the four protagonists names in their papers, On the Symbolism in The Scarlet letter and An Analysis of the Symbolism in The Scarlet letter. Lis paper is not so detailed in description and is lack of arguments in persuading the readers. While Zhang Dapeng gives readers a detailed analysis about the symbolic meanings of the main characters respectively. He wrote in his paper that the heroines name Hester Prynne contains the meaning of beauty, passion, rash, hasty, desire and so on. While the hero, Arthur Dimmesdate, whose initials AD, which also stands for adultery. Roger Chillingworth, Hesters husband, is the symbol of religion and the producer of the scarlet letter.Pearl has three meanings, that is very precious in Holy Bible,outstanding, crystal and eliteand a kind of spirit and hope of contemporary American and a bright future. The research on the symbolic meanings of the objects and settings.The research on the symbolic meanings of the objects and settings.In the novel, settings are one of major elements of symbolism, such as the scaffold, which is the dominating point at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the story. Jian Jie (2010) holds the view in Reflection on Hawthornes Use of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter that the prison represents several different symbols, forest it is the symbol of the harshness of the Puritan Society and the rose bush is the symbol of passion and promise, Hesters sin is one of passion, linked with the image of the rosebush. The brook is the symbol of the separation of two different worlds. The sunshine is the symbol of purity and hope. Zhang Dapengs view is much the same as Jians, he analyses the symbolic meanings of the forest, the prison door and the grass beside the prison. Li Shiqiang also has the similar statement in his paper. The studies on other aspects.Michael Ryan (2008), a scholar, explores the polemical context in which Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote in The Scarlet Letter. He pays particular attention to the Whig movement for moral reform in antebellum America, which sought to merge church and states. Democrats like Hawthorne took exception to this attempt to establish moral government in America. He points out the political and religious belief of Hawthorne and make argues for an ideal of personal freedom in moral matters. His paper mainly analyses contemporary religious debates in the novel that is easily ignored by scholars. Chen Rong (2007) analyses the symbolic meaning of the needlework in The Scarlet Letter, which has not received much attention. She points out that the image of needlework have a close relation with the gender and social status of Hester. To some degree, it has broken away from the influence of the masculinity ideology. The aspect she analyses is very special, but it just is very limited for both previous study information and limitations of this topic. Llewellyn Jones, a critic in the United States, mentions the Gothic romanticism in his paper, and analyzes the story from the social background of that time. It is an original and creative idea that few people tends to refer to. 2.2 Symbolism Symbolism is a writing skill of creative literature by using concrete objects to express a much deeper meaning so as to arouse readers imagination and association. Just as what has been pointed out by the French literary essayist A. Edward that symbolism meets readers demand of describing and transcending reality. (Johnson, 1995). The obvious feature of symbolism is that the objective truth is unknowable, the world we live in is just full of pain and deception and the essences of all the things and phenomena are hidden in the other world that science can not reach. The only beautiful place is the invisible world. Using this artistic technique can enrich both the connotation and the significance of the novel.Based on the background of religion and ethics, many a work of Hawthorne explore the theme of humans good and evil via symbolism. Hawthorne applied symbolism in this novel to express his complicated attitude toward Puritans and obliquely reveal the blackness of human. It is helpful to grasp completely the themes of the novel with correct understanding of the symbolic meanings in The Scarlet Letter.2.3 Deficiency in previous studies Despite the fact that previous studies about the Scarlet Letter is abundant, few people devote space to the description of a detailed study of the settings and colors in this novel. However, the settings and colors also have close connection with the development of the whole plot. Therefore, it is necessary and meaningful to further study the symbolism in the Scarlet Letter.By textual close reading, this paper will be developed in three aspects: the symbolic meaning of the four protagonists, natural settings and colors.Subsequently, some detailed description and complete conclusions will be reached so as to help readers further understand the symbolic meanings and themes of the Scarlet Letter.Conclusion The Scarlet Letter is a timeless story, which deals with sin, guilt, emotional conflict and human nature. The most well-known is the use of symbolism in the story. We know that in the early days of New England the Puritans lived a life of strict and rigorous moral discipline, and that an adulteress had to wear a scarlet letter A on her breast. This fact proved fertilizing to Hawthornes imagination and his way of introducing the fact in The Custom House is of great artistic interest. The political situation, personal experience and society at that time had led to Hawthornes frequently using of symbols in The Scarlet Letter. Therefore, a better understanding of the symbolic skill is helpful for us to have a deeper understanding of this book.Many people arent focus on one aspect of the novel. Many studies are involved more now. In these articles, they all research the symbolism in The Scarlet Letter and the great significance of symbolism. This paper is focus on the symbolism in detail based on above research results. It mainly analyze the symbolic meanings of the four main protagonists, natural settings and colors. The way in which Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter suggests that American Romanticism adapted itself to American Puritan Moralism. Therefore, Hawthorne fully deserves the title the prophet of symbolism. The Scarlet Letter is a real artistic work.

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