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目的论视角下的中式菜名英译——以淮扬菜菜名为例 English Translation of Chinese Dish Names from the Perspective of the Skopostheorie with Huaiyang Cuisine as an Example文献综述

 2021-09-27 00:06:27  


Literature ReviewThe Skopos theory, put forward by Vermeer, is the leading approach of functionalism. The term Skopos is a Greek word. It means aim or purpose and it is for the purpose of translational practice, which determines translation methods and strategies adopted by translators. Vermeer(Vermeer, 1989) calls the results translatum. Thus the translator must be fully aware of the purpose of the translation as well as the functions of the target language. (Jeremy Munday, 2010)There are three basic rules in Skopos theory: Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. According to Skopos theory, Skopos usually refers to the purpose of the target text. For any translation, the leading rule is the skopos rule. The coherence rule indicates that a translation should be acceptable in a sense that it is coherent with the readers literacy. This means that the target text should be readable and make sense in the target culture and the communicative situation in which it is received. Fidelity could be a kind of maximally faithful imitation of the source text which may be the form expected in literary translation. (Nord, 2001)In all, the three basic rules of Skopos theory are intended to govern the translators behavior in the whole translation process. However, all these three rules cannot be always satisfied at the same time due to the fact that the Skopos of the translation is likely to deviate from the intention of the corresponding source text. As regards the order of the three rules, fidelity rule is considered subordinate to coherence rule and both are subordinate to the Skopos rule. The translators top concern in the translation process is the purpose or the Skopos that should be achieved.In the framework of Skopostheorie, Xia Fangli(Xia Fangli, 2008) points out that one of the most important factors determining the purpose of a translation is the addressee, who is the intended receiver or audience of the target text with their culture-specific world-knowledge their expectations and their communicative need. Every translation is directed at an intended audience, since to translate means to produce a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addressees in target circumstances. Food name translation is not an exchange of the language, but more a transmission of implied cultural meaning.Discussions about English translation of Chinese dish names can also be found in chapters of books on translation studies. Xia Fangli points out that translation is a form of translational action based on a source text, a translator in translation action, should give us many details as possible about the purpose, explaining the addressees time, place occasion and medium of the intended communication and the function of the text is intended to have. The purpose of translating English translation of Chinese dish names from the perspective of the Skopos theory is to offer as much as possible information about the Chinese culture and catering culture to foreigners, further to help foreign people has a better understanding of Chinese dish and have a better appetite in dining. Culture contains many aspects and Chinese cuisine belongs to one of the important cultures in China and catering culture has been the important part in Chinese historical culture. (ibid)In On English Translation of Chinese Dish Names from Perspective of Skopos Theory,Lu Jing points out points out that the "skopos" and main function of dish name is to stimulate customers' desire to order the dish. To realize such "skopos", the translator shall not only provide basic information of dish name (the informative function), but also bring the TL receiver aesthetic enjoyment and try to retain as much culture information as possible in the translation process. In the process of Chinese dish name translation, translators should try to realize the four functions of dish names: the informative function, the aesthetic function, culture-transmitting function and appellative function.(Lu Jing, 2010)Research on Chinese dish name translation is rare in both domestic and international academic fields. In his book, Chen Xiaowei classifies Chinese dish names into the common type and the culture-loaded type. He points out that the functions of dish names are mainly two: the informative function and the appellative function. He also summarizes the principles for translating Chinese dish names. He regards the principle of transferring information to readers as the top one, and translators should retain as more the original "taste" as possible in the process of translation(Chen Xiaowei, 2006). In the book Culture and Translation, the author Mr. Bai Jingyu compares the difference between Chinese and English dish names.He holds the opinion that in the process of translation, Chinese dish names are required to retain the original elements. His ideas are also illustrated with examples: "Vanilla Pudding",it is translated intoxiang cao bu ding,with the word "Pudding" still retaining its sound in translation. There are also other examples, such as Vegetable Curry( shen jing ga li ), Cheese Omelette(ru lao chao ji dan ), Potato Salad( tu dou sha la ),and Shrimp Toast(xia he tu si ). ( bai jing yu,1990:178). In the book (2007), the writer Wang Ying and Lv Hefa summarize the features of English dish name. They think that the translated Chinese dish names need be in line with the features of English dish names. They regard "being concise and easy to be understood by TT receivers" as the principle guiding the English translation of Chinese dish names. Ren Jingsheng, an associate professor at Hefei Institute of Technology, summarizes features of the translated Chinese dish food. Based on the features, he also recommends some translation methods for Chinese food and dish names(Ren Jingsheng,2001: 56). Professor, Liu Qingbo(Liu Qingbo,2003:52) explains rules for naming Chinese dish and the relation between the headword and the premodifiers or postmodifiers. He holds that the principle of pragmatism and conciseness must be followed in translation. Professor Jin Huikang(Jin Huikang,2004) and Professor Lu Hongmei(Lu Hongmei,2006:127) also express their opinions on the translation of Chinese dish names. During the process of research preparation, the writer notices that research on Chinese dish name translation is not mature enough and it needs to be further done. Of the limited research which has been done, they are mainly concerned about the classification or suggested translations for dish names. Little research has been done to analyze Chinese dish names on a theoretical basis. If research is done without any theory as a guideline, translation practice is probably done at random, and no translation principles can be worked out to direct the whole translation process. Thus, the writer intends to find a theoretical framework to guide the study of Chinese dish name translation.

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