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跨文化交际中语用失误及应对策略研究 A study on pragmatic failure and communication strategies in intercultural communication文献综述

 2021-09-26 23:59:35  


1. Introduction1.1 Research background With the increasing process of globalization, intercultural communication is becoming more and more prevalent. In China, almost in every college, English is a compulsory course for undergraduates who have to pass CET4 in order to get their bachelors degree. For great number of English learners, English is not only a discipline, but also a practical communicational tool. But as a matter of fact, when confronted with authentic communication situations, they cannot interpret the utterances correctly, or express themselves appropriately, even though they have little difficulty in understanding the literal meaning of utterances. The problem of pragmatic failure has been holding an important position in the study of intercultural communication. 1.2 Research purposeThis paper contains the analysis of the phenomena of pragmatic failure exist commonly in daily conversations in intercultural communication and the discussion of the nature and cause of pragmatic failure in intercultural communication situations, at last, some suggestions will be given on how to avoid pragmatic failure under the condition of intercultural communication.2. Literature review2.1What is pragmatic failure Pragmatic failure mainly refers to that happens in peoples language communication when they have not reached the satisfied communication result. The pragmatic failure appears at different aspects in language learning and applying. Jenny Thomas(1983) suggested that the English pragmatic failure could be divided into two kinds. First, the pragmalingustic failure. That is not qualified to use the native English and misuse the expression of English and use the rules of mother language to express it. Second, is the sociopragmatic failure. It refers to the failure that because of the speaker does not understand the cultural difference and effect the choice of the language form in communication. In our country, the study on pragmatic and pragmatic failure started in 1980s. In 1980, Hu Zhuanglin published a thesis on pragmatics in the third issue of Foreign Linguistics. After that, some researchers took an active part in investigating the current situation of Chinese students pragmatic competence and pragmatic failure. For example, Gu Tongqing and Hong Gang.etc. have already made a study on the college students pragmatic failure. They put forward types of pragmatic failure which were probably caused by the pragmatic differences between Chinese and English. And they also pointed out some methods or ways to improve Chinese students pragmatic competence. But on the whole, most studies focus on theories, while studies with combination of both quality and quantity are rare.2.2 What is intercultural communication and intercultural pragmatic failureThe term intercultural usually refers to the meeting of two cultures or two languages across the political boundaries of nation states. They are predicated on the equivalence of one nation-one culture-one language, and on the expectation that a culture shockmay take place upon crossing national boundaries(Kramsch, 1998:81). In this paper in particular the intercultural refers to the meeting of Chinese culture and American culture. The intercultural communication is especially the communication between Chinese people and American people. Intercultural pragmatic failure is the pragmatic failure occurring in intercultural communication.It is easy to observe that there are many distinctions in verbal communication between people with different cultures, which are not only expressed in their special pronunciation, grammars and words, but also in their different understanding and explanation to language code. Peoples behaviors are restricted by social norms. As a matter of fact, the members of any society must abide by their social norms automatically (Jia Yuxin, 1997:276). The speech act is a kind of social behavior, so it must be bounded by social norms, and must comply with the mutual rules of speaking or sociolinguistic rules (Wolfson, 1989).In this part, the author researches into intercultural pragmatic failures, which occur in daily communication between Chinese and Americans, from addressing, greeting, complimenting, inviting to apologizing in daily life.Works CitedZhao, Yaodong[赵要东], An Analysis of Pragmatic Failure in Intercultural Communication. Overseas English 2013.02, 203-205Zhou, Yu[周瑜], Pragmatic Failure in Sino-Western Cross-cultural Communication and Implications for Improving Chinese EFL Learners Communication Competence. 疯狂英语教师版 2013年第一期(2月号):149-153Dong Feng[董峰], A study of Cultural Impact on Pragmatic Failure. Overseas English,2012.11, 215-218Liu Jia[刘佳], Tian Qingwu[田庆武], A Tentative Study on Pragmatic Failure in Cross-culture Communication. 传奇传记文学选刊,2013年6月:11严菊环,跨文化交际中的语用失误及对策。

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