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跨文化视角下的电子商务写作 Business writing from cross-cultural perspective文献综述

 2021-09-26 23:59:32  


文 献 综 述1. Introduction1.1 Research background Against the backdrop of globalization and the rapid development of chinas foreign business, business e-mail writing is growing increasingly important in our society. It is an indispensible skill for every Chinese employees working in a foreign-owned enterprise or a joint-venture enterprise. According to the survey, 88% of Internet users use e-mail, and in business situations, about 90% of employees are using e-mail to contact the public. Enhance business e-mail quality, which means reducing the misunderstanding, successful communication is rather important. However, the existing language study is not sufficient to support the translation and writing of Business Email English, many people do not know business English e-writing principles, format and relevant skills, especially when communicating with cross-cultural friends. Thus causes a lot of problems to both our daily life and our work. Business communication focuses on the response the writer elicits from the reader. The main goal of business writing is to influence the reader's responses in the way the writer has intended. Writing for result requires business writer to think for himself or herself, not to follow rote patterns like an automaton. Business writer should have a clear writing objective, and reflect on how the reader will probably interpret the message. However, in our daily life, due to culture difference, we are used to write in our own way of thinking and structure, which can often cause confusion to our foreign friends and business partners.1.2 Need for the studyWith the development of economy, business letters have become an important way to communicate. By sending business letters to each other, we can exchange information, contact business, negotiate and solve the problems existed in trading, and also promote friendship. Business English e-mails are the major means of written communication between two parties in the international trade. Their writing is very important to business of the enterprise. A courtesy and descent business e-mail can help to build a favorable business image for the company and do business. However, an e-mail without courtesy can not only lead to the failure of the business but also destroy the image which the companies have built up. Therefore, mastering the basic skills of writing business e-mail is very important.But even if we did master all skills and principles of business writing we cannot be perfect in e-mail writing. Due to the difference in the culture, social conditions, and ways of thinking and behavior, there is no way to avoid misunderstandings, all we can do is to minimize them. Thus requires us to know some basic culture heritage deposit behind business contact.2. Literature review2.1Previous studies on business e-mail writingBusiness e-mail writing is a kind of cross-culture communication behavior used to communicate with people from different backgrounds under the business circumstance. Though it can save your cost and time and is cheaper and faster, due to its cross-cultural feature, it can easily cause misunderstanding and confusion, in order to make it better serve the people, more and more scholars worldwide studied and defined the functions and skills of writing business e-mail, one of the most famous is Germany functionalist theories used to guide business translation, the same is true of Business Email English.Quite a few scholars in our country also show great interest in the study of the principles and rules of business e-mail writing. Ge Qun and Ge Hua (2003) in their paper A New Concept of English Business Writing stressed a focal point on the vocabulary characteristics of contemporary business English writing. they also cited five basic principles for writing a successful e-mail:(1) Conversational setting(2)Flexible pattern(3)You-viewpoint(4)Tactful choice of words(5)Warm courtesyZhang Chengguo and Len Qing (2008) emphasized the importance of connectivity of passages in writing an e-mail, they pointed out that a good connected e-mail can fully convey the writers meaning and also can be perfectly understood by the receiver. After a multi-angled analysis and discussion, they concluded that Convergence can not only connect sentences into paragraphs, decorate segment into articles, but also adjust communicative efficiency of the passage. This conclusion will help to deepen the understanding of convergence in business e-mail writing, help to improve writing, comprehension ability among business e-mail writers.Liu Xiaodan (2012) stated the customer-oriented strategy in business writing. She calls for taking the relations with customer into consideration and put the theory customer is god into business writing. She stresses that Customer-oriented strategy is a popular and effective writing principle in business writing. Considering the needs of different customers, writers can adept different strategies to improve writing proficiency.There are also many other scholars studying some other specific aspects of business writing such as Yao Yi (2001) explained carefully the use of politeness as one of the basic principles in business writing. The author used SPPS to illustrate the relationship between students writing scores and the politenessused and put forward in the end writing does not involve face to face contact, it is a form of interaction and the basic framework for the analysis of politeness can be extended to written texts. Scholar Li Yueju (2008) pointed out the fuzzy terms in writing e-mails and its impact on the successful express of clarity, one of the basic principles, she underlined that to achieve the desired goal in business writing, writers make the conscious, strategic choice to use fuzzy terms to soften the blow of a negative message, to avoid responsibility for their own words or actions, to avoid ordering or accusing a superior, or to manipulate the information flow for writers interests.Li Junxian (2007) illustrated how to write business e-mail correctly from the structure of an e-mail, mainly explained the salutation, the subject and the Body part.2.2the definition of e-mail and 5c principles in business e-mail writing 2.2.1 the definition of e-mailE-mail is a way of sending a message from one computer to one or more other computers around the world. It is also defined as a form of asynchronous computer mediate communication(CMC).its main features are fast, convenient and low cost making it quickly sweep throughout the world. General writing principles in writing business e-mail should ensure 5C principles. They are correctness, conciseness, complete, clarity and courtesy. 2.2.2correctness Due to the fact that business e-mail contains the rights and obligations of both business activities, its accuracy is essential for business management and communication. Specifically, the correctness is not only refer to English grammar, punctuation and spelling, but more importantly is the correspondence in content and description. To avoid the use of some semantic ambiguous words or phrases, such as: majority, ASAP, in order to avoid any misunderstanding and disputes.2.2.3concisenessConciseness is the most important principle in business e-mail writing. It refers to using short sentences and simple words without affecting the integrity and courtesy of the message. A prolix and wordy e-mail is not only a waste of time, but also will cause the readers unnecessary trouble, clear and concise should be put at the top priority of business e-mail. Therefore, it is the NO.1 element in writing a business e-mail.In addition, in order to save time and space, abbreviations can be used in e-mail, such as U for you, Pls for please, Info for information, Qty for quantity, LC represents Letter of Credit, FOB represents Free on Board etc.2.2.4completeBusiness e-mail content should seek to be specific and complete, and provide the information the recipient need, an evaluation used to measure whether an e-mail is complete or not is 5WH, namely who, when, where, what, why and how. There is also another rule for complete form the angle of structure, a complete e-mail should consist of the heading(the address of the writer), the inside address(the name and address of the receiver),the date, the salution, he body, the complimentary closing and signature.2.2.5clarityE-mail should strive to reach a clear hierarchy and accurate use of words. There should be no obscure between words, so that the recipient will read the letter smoothly and will not misunderstand the writer's intentions. As far as possible straight to the point, straight into the topic.For example: in the sentence We will deliver your goods soon. Soon means quickly, the semantics is not clear, it does not indicate a specific delivery time and should be changed to a specific date. 2.2.6courtesyBusiness e-mail should follow the principle of wording tactfully, politely. Given that e-mail directly affect the success of the entire transaction, buyers and sellers should pay great attention to manners, we should make tone of voice sincere, considerate, thoughtful, not domineering; avoid any use of offensive, injuries, derogatory phrases, such as: your neglectful attitude, we deny your claim etc. To be polite, we should make more use of words such as please, your kind inquiry, I would appreciate it if you would ... When writing an e-mail, you can express their views through the use of the subjunctive roundabout, tactful tone and other methods.2.3 Language mistakes in business email English and possible solutions2.3.1Spelling MistakesSpelling mistakes are very common in business email. Almost every email draft can be found with one or two spelling mistakes, which can be easily recognized as a kind of be found with one or two spelling type error. Sometimes it also showed by the form of grammatical mistake. However, there is an interesting phenomenon that spelling mistake is common not only to Chinese people but also to native English speakers. And they are both able to highly tolerate as long as it doesn't cause dramatically misunderstanding.Possible reason:Many spelling mistakes occur because of being in a hurry, carelessness, or mistyping. Other people also blame it for the fast speed of working. According to what have been discussed, one of the features of business English is preciseness and right spelling is the basic requirement of preciseness.Proposed strategy: According to what have been discussed, one of the features of business English is preciseness and right spelling is the basic requirement of preciseness. Therefore, although native English speakers are highly tolerant with the spelling mistakes, it's important to carefully check the email before sending it out.2.3.2Business terms mistranslationBusiness terms translation need professional background. The recipient and sender need share the same context. However, the real communication is the message received, which is perhaps not the message intended. Without professional background, it's hard to avoid mistranslation and misunderstanding.Possible reason: the mistakes are due to lack knowledge of prgamatical meaning in business context.Proposed strategy: Business e-mail writer or translator should learn business professional lexicon and be familiar with the business knowledge. 2.3.3chinglish"Chinglish, of course, is that misshapen, hybrid language that is neither English nor Chinese but that might be described as "English with Chinese characteristics." [Pinkham Joan, 2000:1]Possible reason: Chinglish can be described as "English with Chinese characteristics." Therefore, the most possible cause of Chinglish is that the writer or translator can't get rid of the impact of Chinese language. That is to say, Chinglish writer are often lack or not aware of the differences between English and Chinese. Furthermore, because Chinglish happens in Business Email English, the second reason maybe lack understanding of the characteristics of Business Email English.Proposed strategy: Professor Lv Shuxiang once said: "The most useful help to Chinese students is to let them know the differences between English language and Chinese language."[吕叔湘,2005:1] E-mail writers should dig into the English culture and experience for themselves the different culture. While communicating with foreigners, writers should pay attention to the way they organize their language, whats more, writers should learn some of the foreign cultures, such as the history, the social customs, the life style, national characteristics and communication approach etc.

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