
 2023-03-06 20:46:55


摘要: 板蓝根为十字花科菘蓝属植物菘蓝 Isantis indigotica Fort.的干燥根,始载于《神农本草经》,有清热解毒、凉血利咽功能,用于瘟毒发斑、舌绛紫暗、高热头痛、大头瘟疫、烂喉丹痧、疼腮、喉痹、疮肿、水痘、麻疹、肝炎、流行性乙型脑炎、流行性感冒等,是公认的具有较好抗病毒效果的少数中药之一。现将目前板蓝根的化学成分和抗病毒药理作用做出一下综述。

关键词: 板蓝根;化学成分;药理作用;抗病毒

Abstract:The dried roots of Isantis indigotica Fort., Which are contained in the 'Shen Nongs Herbal Classic'.Theyhave detoxification, cool blood and pharynx functionsothey can beused for plaques, Headache, big head plague, rotten throat Dan fever, pain gills, throat paralysis, sores, chicken pox, measles, hepatitis, epidemic encephalitis, influenza, etc.At the same time ,They are recognized as one of good antiviral effect of a small number of traditional Chinese medicine . Now the current chemical composition of Radix Isatidis and antiviral pharmacological effects to make a review.

Key Words:Isantis indigotica Fort.;Chemical constituents;Pharmacological effects;Antivira

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