黄连黄芩研究进展摘 要:黄连和黄芩属于清热燥湿药,在临床上有良好的泻火解毒清热燥湿的作用。
黄芩的化学成分包含黄酮类、萜类、酚酸类、苯乙醇、氨基酸、甾 醇、挥发油、多糖和微量元素等,在抗菌抗病毒、抗衰老、保肝等方面有显著地药理作用。
关键词:黄连、黄芩、化学成分、提取、药理RESEARCH PROGRESS OF COPTIS CHINENSIS AND SCUTELLARIA BAICALENSISYadie xu AbstractCoptis and scutellaria baicalensis are a kind of hot medicine, which has a good effect on detoxification. The main components of coptis are isoquinoline alkaloids, which are mainly berberine, followed by barmateen,berberine and berberine. It has obvious effects on anti-virus, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, ischemic cardiomyocytes and hypoglycemia, and is mainly used in infectious diseases, diabetes, hypertension, etc. The chemical composition of scutellariae are flavonoids, terpenoids, phenolic acids, phenylethyl alcohol glycosides, amino acids, alcohols, volatile oils, polysaccharides, and trace elements, etc. It has significant pharmacological effects on antibacterial antiviral, anti-aging, protect liver, etc. It is mainly used in liver protection, alzheimers disease and some cardiovascular diseases in pre-eclampsia. In this paper, we will review the traditional Chinese medicine of coptis and scutellaria from the aspects of chemical composition, extraction process, and determination of index components.Key words Coptis; Scutellaria baicalensis; chemical component; extract; pharmacology黄连最早记载于《神农本草经》,因为其根茎呈现黄色而得名黄连,药用部位是毛茛科植物黄连Coptis chinensis Franch.、三角叶黄连Coptis deltoidea C. Y. Cheng et Hsiao或云连Coptis teeta Wall.的干燥根茎。
而黄芩的药用品为唇形科植物黄芩Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi的干燥根。