Research progress of super-hydrophobic materials文献综述

 2023-05-24 10:47:52


文 献 综 述Literature review Among the boundless natural processes, the self-cleaning phenomenon in living beings captured the attention of scientists and researchers. In 1997, German botanists Barthlott and Neinhuis revealed the surface structure of lotus leaves and found that the self-cleaning effect of lotus leaves is due to the micro-nano structure of its surface. In 2009, Wang et al. presented that there are micron papillae on the surface of the lotus leaf, and the papillae are covered with a thin layer of nano-waxy crystals, which can greatly improve the CA of water droplets on the surface of the lotus leaf and make the water droplets fall easily [1]. Some people have also observed the microscopic characteristics of the surface of the lotus leaf and found that the surface of the lotus leaf has a random distribution of nearly hemispherical papillae with the size of 510 mu;m and about 150 nm dendritic mastoid [2]. Scientists showed that many other plants and animals have superhydrophobic surface, similar to lotus leaf. For instance, X. Gao and L. Jiang, water striders in 2004, butterfly wings in 2007, B. Bhushan, E.K. Her rose petals in 2010, Wang et al, the penguin body feather in 2016, Chen et al, taro leaves in 2018, Liu et al, clover in 2019, etc [3].Inspired by the self-cleaning properties of lotus leaves, researchers have made significant progress in fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces, on which water droplets bead up with a contact angle of greater than 150 and drip off rapidly when the surface is slightly inclined. These surfaces with high water repellency have generated significant interest in recent decades due to their growing potential and future deployment as innovative solutions to overcome real world problems. The potential applications of superhydrophobic materials are extremely wide and include anti-icing coatings, anti-corrosion coatings, anti-bacteria coatings, textiles, oil/water separation, water purification and desalinization, microfluidic devices, optical devices, batteries, sensors, drug delivery or heterogeneous catalysis.Surface icing and frosting, a unique natural phenomenon, is not only one of the visual beauties of the nature but also can cause damage to our safety and economics such as, road traffic, power transmission, building roofs, aircraft wings, wind turbines, ships, and other equipment surfaces, which impedes the operation of equipment, reduces the use efficiency of equipment and facilities, and even causes huge safety hazards [4,5]. Therefore, over the past few decades, scientists have conducted many studies to improve the performance of anti-icing function on the surface, which can be divided into active and passive methods. Active method is mainly through external energy de-icing and complicated in design and have the disadvantages such as high energy consumption, high application cost, and time consuming. For example, applying an electric current by the electric heating element, melting the ice, and reducing the binding force between the ice and the surface [6], hot air anti-icing for aircraft, spraying antifreeze liquid such as ethylene glycol, calcium chloride, and urea on the surface of the material [7], applying sodium chloride to the roads, directly hitting the ice or using other means such as pneumatic or electric power to drive the machine [8], etc. On the other hand, passive methods refer to the physical and chemical methods based on surface modification [9]. Compared with the active de-icing method, the superhydrophobic surface can realize passive anti-icing by timely cleaning of water droplets on the surface before freezing, delaying the freezing time, and reducing the adhesion force of ice on the surface. However, in the high humidity environment, the water droplets on the superhydrophobic surface are always present and cannot be completely removed. The nucleation rate of surface ice nuclei can be reduced by adding nucleation inhibitors to the superhydrophobic surface. Superhydrophobic surfaces not only can reduce the adhesion of ice to the surface, but also whereas it has been suspected that superhydrophobic surfaces can increase the anchoring effect of ice on the surface. Further research is needed to confirm this. From a practical point of view, superhydrophobic materials with good mechanical stability are desirable in anti-icing.For a long time, different techniques have been used to control metal corrosion, by controlling either anodic or cathodic reactions [10]. However, another way to effectively control corrosion is to isolate the surface completely from corrosive media by applying protective coatings such as paints or other appropriate metals [11, 12], and there are different coating methods available for corrosion protection that differ based on the corresponding metals to be protected or the nature of the corrosive environment to which the metal is exposed, superhydrophobic coatings are favored due to their inherently water-repellent nature. Although superhydrophobic coatings remain a highly viable preventative method for controlling the corrosion of metals, and they are developing due to the introduction of new coating methods and particles, the most important factors that make superhydrophobic coatings valuable for corrosion protection are, once again, their mechanical stability and durability. Therefore, it is essential to develop a deeper study of the mechanical stability and durability of superhydrophobic coatings.Since the last century, science and technology have revolutionized many areas of the textile and clothing industry. Huge advances in scientific knowledge have focused not only on the technology of usage and processing of natural fibers, but also on the technology of textile finishing [13]. The development of fabrics which repel water but also all kind of organic contaminants is highly in demand. Due to the need of being mechanical resistant to stresses, such as scratching, abrasion or tensile, as well as support many cycles of laundry, it is absolutely necessary that the superhydrophobic textiles are robust. The formation of nanostructures around the textile fibers often also allows to increase its robustness [14]. To obtain durable and robust superhydrophobic textiles, it is extremely important to have a resistant interface between the textile and the coating. As shown by the group of McKinley, the maximum pressure that the fabrics can support is highly depending on the surface tension of the liquid and these geometric parameters [15]. They obtained superoleophobic fabrics even against octane and methanol by coating polyester fabrics with fluorodecyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (F-POSS) forming nanostructured coating. Similar results were also reported by the group of Lin [16]. They reported the possibility to reach superoleophobic fabrics with UV, acid, mechanical and laundry resistance, in the presence of F-POSS and a fluorinated silane. Superoleophobic cotton textiles were reported by the group of Ming via a multi-step of grafting process. The group of Wang also reported the modification of cotton textiles with epoxy groups and the grafting of amino-functionalized SiO2 nanoparticles to reach superhydrophobicity and flame retardancy [17]. In recent years, many methods and techniques have been used to achieve great robustness of superhydrophobic surfaces on the textile fabrics, including SolGel Method, Admicellar Polymerization Technique, Direct Fluorination Modification, Electrospinning, Polymerization, Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (iCVD) and Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP), etc [18].Due to the water pollution caused by oil leakage, many advances of oilwater separation have been presented in the recent decades. The main methods of oilwater separation could be described as: both superhydrophobic and superoleophilic properties, both superhydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic properties, or both superhydrophilic and superoleophobic properties [14]. Superhydrophobic and superoleophilic materials include meshes, textiles, foams, synthetic membranes and sorbents. Superhydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic materials include hydrophilic polymers such as polyacrylic acid, polyacrylamide and polyacrylamide-co-poly (acrylic acid) hydrogels [19], thermo and pH dual-responsive meshes [20], pH-switchable textiles and polyurethane sponges, etc. Superhydrophilic and superoleophobic materials include superhydrophilic and superoleophobic meshes. However, the work conditions of oilwater separation, such as UV-light irradiation, corrosion of oil, and mechanical force, could cause the performance of the coatings/membranes to be inadequate. Among all the materials, foam material has attracted wide attention of researchers due to its low-cost and good oil-adsorption performance [21]. In 2015, Zhu et al. presented a low-cost method of fabricating robust superhydrophobic foam on melamine by using facile thermal reduction [22]. In 2016, Gao et al. established a robust superhydrophobic foam based on Graphdiyne for oilwater separation [23]. In 2017, Lv et al. reported a facile 3D-printing method of fabricating superhydrophobic surfaces [24] and Deng et al. constructed a robust superhydrophobic coating of copper hydroxide [25]. In 2018, Bu et al. fabricated a biomimetic robust superhydrophobic surface for oilwater separation [26]. In 2019, Mi et al. presented an extensible eco-friendly method of fabricating superhydrophobic surfaces [27]. These techniques and methods developed superhydrophobicity and durability of the foam at the same time.References:[1]. W. Barthlott, C. Neinhuis. 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