
 2022-11-27 16:53:17




【关键词】测量系统 模拟量采集 STM32H743 FSMC控制器 嵌入式操作系统

Literature Review on Design and Implementation of Airborne pressure and temperature measuring system


This paper mainly reviews the design and implementation of airborne pressure and temperature measurement system. Embedded systems are widely used in aerospace, high-precision acquisition of analog quantities such as pressure and temperature is also very important. This paper first states the specific process of analog acquisition and its domestic research, then introduces the signal conditioning circuit and typical analog-to-digital conversion chips. After that, the STM32H743 single-chip microcontroller platform used in this project is introduced. It has the characteristics of high frequency, good performance and many peripherals. It also gives an account of the FSMC controller used to control the LCD display. Finally, the multi-task design and task priority configuration of the embedded operating system and the related software design are discussed.

【Keywords】measurement system; analog acquisition; STM32H743; FSMC controller; embedded operating system

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