Study#160;of#160;Evil#160;in#160;Lord#160;of#160;the#160;Flies Based#160;on#160;Freud’s#160;Personality#160;Structure#160;Theory 基于弗洛伊德的人格结构理论对《蝇王》中恶欲的研究文献综述

 2023-04-26 10:16:33


1. Introduction1.1 Research backgroundWilliam Golding, an English novelist who won the Nobel Prize for Literature. He attracts a cult of followers for his parables of human condition, especially the youth of the post-World War II generation. Golding is known in the West as the fabulist who uses the realistic narrative method to write fable myths, inheriting the tradition of Western ethics, focusing on the theme of 'the evil in human being', all of which shows the writers concern for the future of mankind. Before World War II, William Golding was a teacher at a local school. After the outbreak of World War II, he joined the British Royal Navy in 1940. At the end of World War II, he returned to school, teaching and writing. Goldings debut novel Lord of the flies was finally released in 1954 although was rejected by publishers many times, and this novel caused a huge sensation in the British literary world. During World War II, he witnessed the brutalities and bloodshed of the war, witnessed the atrocities of fascist killing millions of Jews, and saw the terrible scene of atomic bomb exploding. All of these terrible things left Golding confused. At this time, he also began to think and explore the causes of war and the root of such tragedies. Personal exceptional experience of World War II made Golding gradually shake and doubt the nature of human beings. In Goldings opinion, it is dangerous for modern man not to know his own nature, because one cannot control the bestiality in his essentiality consciously without knowing. Moreover, ten years of teaching made Golding aware of the nature of teenagers. Through nearly decade-long teaching career, Golding had more opportunities to meet and get to know young students. After years of observation and research, he found that if it were not for the education, many children would fight, and would do barbaric things. It can be seen that the evil in human nature will naturally flow out in these immature children. From a more realistic and specific point of view, Golding germinated the idea of writing a novel that would expose human nature. Based on factors above, Lord of the flies was written. The story told by Lord of the flies is not complicated. A nuclear war breaks out in the future, and a plane carrying a group of boys flies from war zone to the south for refuge. Due to a plane crash, these children fall on a deserted island. At the beginning, these children try to keep order according to the laws and orders of civilized society. But one child produces evil thoughts, he would not subordinate to the original chief, then more and more children would like to break the rules which keep peace and order and let evil of their deep heart out to get personal trill. For survival and interests, they begin to fight with each other. Some children gradually free from shackles of civilization and morality, moving from civilization to barbarism, fully demonstrating the ugliness of human nature. The theme of evil in human exists in most of Goldings creations, including Lord of the flies as Golding (1954) holds that man produces evil as a bee produces honey. Authors personal emotions bear the brunt of the novels pessimism. In addition, the novel was written in the early 1950s, at a time when the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was gradually intensifying. Goldings disappointment with post-war Western liberalism and his worries about the Cold War also made the theme of evil in human clear in Lord of the flies. Therefore, there are many researchers about humanity evil related to Lord of the flies. This article examines Lord of the flies from the perspective of Freuds personality structure theory. Based on Freuds theory of personality structure, the article introduces the background and development process of Humanity evil in Lord of the flies. The complete personality structure consists of the id, the ego, and the superego. When the three personality works together, it can make people possess normal personality which can obey the order in the human world; when they conflict with each other, it will inevitably affect peoples behavior and activities and even endanger survival and development of human society.1.2 Research purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze characterization and plots of this novel based on Freuds personality structure theory. Readers will have a much better understanding of Lord of the flies from the perspective of Freuds personality structure theory, and know William Golding and human nature better.2. Literature ReviewLord of the flies caused a huge sensation in British literature when it released, receiving a lot of attention. Many scholars make intensive researches.Y. F. Wang (2009) points out that Golding describes the beauty of the island and the childrens return to nature in Lord of the flies, showing Golding have deep ecological thoughts. Chang (2012) holds that the story in Lord of the flies describes the reality of human beings in wars and expresses the anxiety and helplessness of the future of living environment for human. The reality of the unavoidable and insurmountable depths of human nature reminds us that freedom, civility, and reason require moral and legal constraints.Lei (2012) tries to jump out of feminism and explores Female Absence from different angles: For a harmonious society, the presence of females is very significant.Li (2017) believes that the primary focus in Lord of the flies is the desire for power. Golding depicts the tragic situation of human beings falling into mutual crushing and killing due to the infinite expansion of their own desire for power. Y. Y. Wang (2017) believes that evil hidden in everyones nature, and once this evil is freed from the shackles of civilization, the animality of human beings will be exposed. Wu (2018) holds that Golding explores a 'self-help' path to growth, which the growth with the absence of adults, and this is a major turning point in growth. It is also a variation model of Bildungsroman.Xiao (2018) holds that Golding highlights the cultural, social and political significance of food in Lord of the flies. By am describing two patterns of gathering fruits and hunting pigs, Golding reveals the contest between raw food and cooked food, to some extent, which represents the opposition between the civilized and the savage. In Lord of the flies, a group of children have gradually divided into two parties on a desert island. One party represents civilization, reason, and the other represents primitivity and wilderness. When the latter one defeats the first side, the civilization has been destroyed. The fragility of the civilization reflected from this novel is from three aspects: civilized background, social subjects and reasons why civilization was destroyed respectively (XU Jian-gang zlem (2019) believes that Lord of the flies is a unique example that shows the effects of anthropocentrism. In this respect, the paper tends to demonstrate how the carnivalesque is overthrown by anthropocentrism in Lord of the flies.Alidou Razakou Ibourahima Boro,Ibrahim Yekini al Gronce Josselyn Adechokan (2021) argue that Golding makes the issue of environment one of his work concerns. In Lord of the flies, the weather on the island that children are stuck is not favorable. The environment decides its law to then. There are negative impacts of humans interactions on the deserted island.These authors have had many informative research, but there are few articles which attach Freuds theory to Lord of the flies.ReferencesAkyol zlem. (2019). The Unfortunate Triumph of Anthropocentrism over the Carnivalesque In William Goldings The Lord of the flies. Journal of International Scientific Researches (3).Alidou Razakou Ibourahima Boro, Ibrahim Yekini al Gronce Josselyn Adechokan. (2021). The Issue of Environment as Seen Through William Goldings Lord of the flies. English Language, Literature amp; Culture (4)Golding, William. (1954).Lord of the flies. London: Faber. Mayborn William C. (2019). Where are the Grown-Ups? Thinking about Anarchy with Lord of the flies. Journal of Political Science Education (4).Pradeep Kumar Giri. (2019). William Goldings Lord of the flies: A Study of Evil in Man. The Batuk (1)XU Jian-gang amp; ZOU Cheng-bo. (2018). On the Fragility of the Civilization in William Goldings Lord of the flies. Journal of Literature and Art Studies (1)常文革(2012),人性深处的黑暗戈尔丁《蝇王》人物形象分析。









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