
 2023-03-03 22:05:51


摘要目的 利用响应面分析方法研究荜茇中胡椒碱的富集工艺。方法 以胡椒碱的截留率为指标,采用 Box-Behnken 中心组和设计建立数学模型,考察压力、浓度、p H对胡椒碱截留率的影响。

关键词: 胡椒碱;荜茇;纳滤;富集;响应面分析法

Study on Enrichment Technology of Piperine from Piper Longum by nanofiltration techniqueSummary

AbstractObjective Response surface analysis methodology was used to optimize the concentrate process of Piperine in Piper Longum by nanofiltration technique. Methods the retention rate of Piperine was selected as index,pressure,concentration and pH were selected as influencing factors during concentrate process.The experiment mathematical model was arranged accord-ing to Box-Behnken central composite experiment design.

Key words Piperine; Piper Longum; Nanofiltration; Concentrate; Response surface analysis


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