黄蜀葵花调控肠道细菌代谢酶干预尿毒素合成的作用机理研究摘 要:慢性肾病变患者因肾功能不全,体内代谢废物无法排出而逐渐堆积,这些逐渐堆积在血液或组织中的分子将影响正常器官功能,产生的毒素即为尿毒素。
关键词 :黄蜀葵花;肠道菌代谢酶;尿毒素STUDY ON THE MECHANISM OF ABELMOSCHUS MANIHOT REGULATION OF INTESTINAL BACTERIAL METABOLIC ENZYMES TO THE SYNTHESIS OF SYNTHESIS OF URINARY TOXIN Abstract: Patients with chronic kidney disease gradually accumulate because of renal insufficiency and body metabolism waste can not be discharged. These molecules gradually accumulate in blood or tissues will affect the function of normal organs, and the toxins produced are urinary toxins. Abelmoschus manihot with anti platelet aggregation, lowering blood lipid, scavenging oxygen free radicals, enhance superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, reduce glomerular inflammatory reaction, promote the clearance of immune complexes, inhibiting the immune response, reduce inflammation, improve renal fibrosis and protect renal tubular epithelial cells, and other pharmacological treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis effect. The aim of this study is to observe the effects of sunflower flower on the content of indole in animals and the changes of indole content before and after bacterial culture, and to explore the mechanism of the synthesis of urinary toxins by regulating the intestinal bacterial metabolizing enzymes.Key Words: Abelmoschus manihot; intestinal bacteria metabolizing enzyme; urinary toxin文献综述1.黄蜀葵花的化学成分及现代药理学研究黄蜀葵花(Abelmoschus manihot L. medic,AM)为锦葵科植物黄蜀葵或刚毛黄蜀葵的花,该药始载于《嘉祐本草》, 味甘、寒,归肾、膀胱经,具清热除湿、消肿解毒之效。
在临床上,黄蜀葵花制剂 黄葵胶囊可以治疗慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)。
其中,主要化学成分是黄葵总黄酮(total flavones of A.manihot,TFA),包括杨梅素、金丝桃苷、槲皮素、异槲皮苷等。